Thursday, January 26, 2006

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation Painting
Evolution Painting

Recent news (see Reuters, Oct. 28, 2005) has illustrated that the old Scopes Monkey Trial -- not yet 80 years behind us -- remains to haunt our nation. As a scientist, I believe we need to view every angle before we can arrive at a conclusion. Please see the definitions at the right for clarification. Definitions come directly from I'm not naïve enough to believe that my writings will change anyone's mind. I would like, however, to open the minds of people to accept what Creationists say is every bit as scientific as is Evolution. America is not becoming hostile to science, America is opening up to accept a new science that is as old as time.

Evolutionists have taught us that, since their theory was invented by scientists, it is the only scientifically plausible explanation for the origin of life. Because, they argue, Creation was invented by a centuries-old religion, it is not scientific and should not be taught in the classroom. Scientifically speaking, they are not being scientific. The Scientific Method says:

  1. Identify a problem
  2. Form a hypothesis
  3. Begin to observe or experiment
  4. Analyze the data
  5. Derive a conclusion

In their zeal to defend their belief, which is not a proven fact, they are discounting the very scientific pursuits of a large number of biologists, geologists and others who are seeking to prove Creation scientifically. I use the word 'zeal' because it indicates an undying devotion to a cause, very similar to Creationists' faith.

Creation has been propagated by centuries of religious beliefs. In fact, until the aforementioned Scopes Monkey Trial, teaching Evolution was a heresy and illegal in public schools. If you would like to read more on the "Trial of the Century," check it out here. Because it is ancient and divinely inspired doesn't make it bunk.

As I stated, I am a scientist. I hold a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M Univeristy - Corpus Christi. I enjoy reading books with details that make most people scream in boredom. I have studied Evolution. I found it to be a plausible theory, but there was no proof. Much like studying any science you cannot directly observe (astronomy, atomic theory, etc.), you have to accept the results of the observation. If there is an anomaly in your results, that anomaly needs to be addressed.

As I studied science, I found that hard and fast results were subject to very different interpretations, depending on what outcome one wanted. Take for example, the recent issue of Global Warming causing more intense hurricanes. Being a coastal resident, I have read up on this with great interest. Let's ignore for now the debate about whether global warming is actually occurring and focus on hurricanes. Hurricanes are generated by warm sea waters. One study, by the Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Center for Atmospheric Research indicates that "the number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes worldwide has nearly doubled in the last 35 years". But has an article headlined "Global Warming/Hurricane Link Debunked". Dr. William Gray, the "Hurricane Man" who has studied hurricanes all of his life, points to the cyclical nature of hurricane intensity. We are in a period when hurricanes are very intense. They were intense like this 70 years ago (which is 35 times 2). The most intense hurricane on record struck the Florida Keys in 1935. Both parties are looking at the same evidence and drawing polar opposite conclusions.

Such can be said for any conclusion drawn on any scientific theory. Anybody can look at the fossils buried under tons of hardened mud. One may say, "This occurred over millions of years, and this animal is 600 million years old." Another may say, "This mud was laid down during the great flood described in many ancient religions. This animal is nearly 4,000 years old."

I know what I believe. But I ask you to look into the scientific evidence put forth by people who are zealously proving Creation is just as viable as Evolution. Check out these web sites for a differing opinion:

Or, just do as I did. Click Here for a Google Search.


Almighty Father in Heaven, maker of Heaven and Earth, Creator of life and holder of time, hear our prayer.

Father, throughout history, there have been those who want to subvert your creation into something they can understand. We are facing them today. We have been told that we are not qualified to speak on an issue because You say it is so. Help us, Father, in our fight for the right to speak Your name. Grant us the patience to face this fight as Christ taught. Fill us with Your Spirit so that we may face our foes with wisdom and courage.
I pray this in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen


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