Monday, February 13, 2006

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

Read Romans 8
The title is from Romans 8:1. It is, according to the note in red in my Bible, the Most important phrase in the Bible.
In chapter 7, the Apostle Paul wrote about the person who does not know Christ. This person must constantly struggle with his carnal, fleshly desires. Knowing that sin leads to death, those absent from Christ are always on guard against anything the law declares to be sin. Among these infractions are impure thoughts, unloving actions and blasphemy. Any one of these will result in condemnation, whether intended or not.
Many have realized the impossibility of living this way; many others have gone nearly insane trying to attain an unreachable goal. Many have thrown in the towel saying, "I can't be a good person. I may as well enjoy the ride."
We are a fallen race - cursed when Adam chose Satan over God. We are not capable of living pure lives. The heroes of the Bible all had issues:
  • Abraham: Lied (twice) about his wife. Took another woman (Hagar) to bear his child.
  • Moses: Killed a man. Took credit for God's miracles.
  • David: Had a man killed so he could have his wife. Didn't fully rely on the L


    which resulted in the deaths of many in Jerusalem.
  • Jonah was a racist.
  • Elijah was a suicidal coward.
  • The Apostle Paul, who wrote our reading for today, was a murderer.
  • Matthew (Levi) was a tax collector and a thief.

These men are considered to be great in our heritage, but none were free from sin. Were they constantly worried about their sin?
Paul details three laws in our lives:
  • the law of sin and death
  • the law of our flesh
  • the law of the spirit of life

These laws govern our every thought, word and deed. We must choose which law to obey and which to discard. Note that as long as the carnal desires of our fallen bodies (the law of the flesh) does not conflict with the law of sin and death, those desires are not damning.
Remember, though verse 1. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. That tells us that our evil desires, even if we follow through with them, are forgiven. People are people, and God knows this. Why then, should we constantly distress ourselves over our fallen state? I think if Paul were writing this now, he would use the phrase "Get over it!"
Now, I know what you're thinking. If all of our sins are automagically forgiven, why, then, should we abide by any law? It's in your heart. The Holy Spirit works in your life to override the evil desires in your heart. When Christ enters your life, He installs Counselor (Holy Spirit) version one. There has never been a need for an update. The Counselor will guide you and make your heart pure. The Counselor is your shoulder angel. Kronk: My shoulder angel. When you are tempted (by the shoulder devil), your shoulder angel kicks in to tell you what's right and what's wrong. Is it wrong to share mp3 files? Without the Spirit, you can say there's no problem. With the Spirit, you get a funny feeling when you make copies of copyrighted music.
For many years, I believed I was a saved Christian. I lived a wild life, without the intervention of the Holy Spirit. I never felt bad about getting drunk every night. I never felt bad about all the women in my life. I never felt bad about any of the things I did.
Finally, one day, I came to the conclusion that I had never really allowed Christ to take over my life as He needs to. That was the day I became a Christian. That was the day everything changed. Now, I no longer have the desire to do what I used to enjoy. Now I desire to help pull others out of the pit in which I found myself.
Are you ready to make a change in your life? I won't kid you - your heart has to be ready. You have to willingly turn it all over to Him. When you are ready, say to Him, "Jesus, I'm sorry for all the stuff I've done in my life. I don't want to live like that anymore. Please come into my life - as you've promised to do - and make me into a new person. Thank you for your gift of life. Amen."
That's it. When you say this - and truly mean it - you've committed your life to Christ. When you say this - and truly mean it - you will feel changes come into your life. Let me know if you have any questions.


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