Monday, August 07, 2006

Re-installing Linux

Well, I like Linux for my webserver. It uses far less overhead than Windows, therefore, it runs quite nicely on my Pentium //-MMX 300MHz with 64MB RAM (and, now with 20GB of disk space! Woohoo)!

I was running a system called YES Linux, which was great for folks that aren't really technical and want to run a "out-of-the-box" webserver on an old slow machine. But, I'm technical, and I wanted to do a lot with my webserver that just couldn't be done on YES.

So, last Friday, when I was adding a 10GB HDD, I accidentally erased the old drive - the one with my data. I had to rebuild. I installed an old, very good, bulletproof Linux system called FreeBSD. It's a little different than my favorite Linux, Red Hat's Fedora Core, but it's small and fit quite nicely on my old, slow machine.

After installing it, the first thing I had to do was install a good text editor. I'm not installing Linux X (the Linux point-and-click Windows-type thingy), so I need to do everything from the keyboard. And the native editor - vi - is called "very insane by other techies. So, I downloaded my favorite from college called joe. Joe is easy to use - kinda like a word processor without a mouse.

After that, I downloaded the webserver application called Apache. It's very customizable, but also easy to install for first-timers. There is an Apache available for Windows and Macs as well, and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to run a webserver on any platform.

OK - a technical blog entry to kinda let you know what this weekend held. Oh yeah - I couldn't work on it between Friday night and Sunday night - I was out of town! :)

But, it's up and running now! Thank you for your support!



Blogger NChitwood said...

(as my counselor would suggest i respond with)...
"what i am hearing you say then is @%$@#%&^FSGASMU^@#%@GBSDFBJLHBN#$%$^$%H%WY%#N^#$^%@#$GBW#$^.....

am i hearing you correctly?"LOL

honestly, i have NO CLUE what language you were speaking in or what you were saying, but i read it and tried to support you anyway my friend!! :O)

7/8/06 14:05  
Blogger ClayMan said...

'Twas geekspeak you heard, my friend! Geekspeak. It's the language us techies use when we are trying to convey ideas to each other. :)

Thanks for your moral support!

Oh - and I'm still working out some bugs on it...

7/8/06 16:36  

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