Monday, February 20, 2006

Again, I'm seeking funding.

No, this is not a plea for cash from anyone who may be reading this. I know that the millions of my silent and invisible readers would love to jump at the chance to further my career. But, that is not necessary, and I will only accept money from established organizations who want to put money in my pocket. Just listen to me whine for a couple o' minutes.

It is on my heart to go into the ministry. It has been for a while, now. With the roads I've been down, I can (and have) minister to those in similar situations. The only thing that keeps me from doing it professionally (and, therefore, full-time) is lack of educational funding.

Sure, I'm a Navy veteran. But I used my GI Bill to get a useless Computer Science degree. I say useless, 'cuz it won't buy me a job. So, now I've got this Texas thang called "Hazelwood Act". It's pretty neat - if you are a veteran from Texas and you want to go to a Texas school, just ask for the money. It's there. Enough to get another four years of education.

Well, Hazelwood isn't available for private institutions. And public schools don't offer degrees in ministry. So, I'm back to being broke. I'm looking for funding to attend school, begin my ministry career and help the millions of drunken womanizers out there who want a better life. I attended a workshop on Ecclesiastes and I could say, "I've been there. Everything is meaningless."

So, if any of you know where I could obtain a couple of bucks to add to my college fund, let me know. Comments or e-mail are welcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Claybro...can you get a degree in phsyc or work? Might lead into a ministry. I wouldn't let that funding pass me by....

(Or just ask Joel....)

9/3/06 21:40  
Blogger NChitwood said...

hey clay....enjoyed reading your blog! you might want to think about doing school online until the funds are there. i attend a christian college that has an online program. (Lincoln Christian College & Seminary, Lincoln, IL) They also have scholarships available and you may qualify for federal grants(?). If it's something you are interested in, lemme know and I'll get you the info. Don't give up though! God knows your heart for serving Him and He WILL make a way for you to educate yourself if that is your desire. TRUST ME!! I'm there now!!

20/3/06 07:06  
Blogger ClayMan said...

Wow! I've gotten more comments on this topic than any other. Maybe I should write about money more often! :) J/K!!!!

My wife and I discussed this very issue this weekend. She asked me, "Is God guiding you to college?" I replied, "He has closed every college door." She said, "Perhaps He has something else in mind for you then."
This discussion came on the heels of another discussion regarding moving to another state for college.

My writings and my testimony are untouched by formal biblical education. Much of what I speak and write about are personal experiences that can be backed up by scripture. I don't open the Bible and find a passage on which to write, rather the other way around.

I am composing an outline of my testimony that I can carry to churches (locally in Houston and, perhaps, elsewhere) to deliver: more as a monologue than a sermon. Yeah, there are life lessons (the answer is not in booze or sex), and there are laughs. Most of all, though, there is experience about which I am becoming more emotional.

Jesus Christ has set me free. I don't think I need a college to tell me that. I wanted a formal education to give me a license to share my testimony. I now know that God can use my testimony whether or not some person that He created says so or not.

Perhaps I will attend college later. It won't be to add letters after my name (Clay Harryman, BS, TAMU-CC), and it won't be to glorify myself to men. If I attend college, it will be in secret to learn Greek and Hebrew so I can read the ancient texts. If I attend college, it will be to get some counseling education.

This comment is turning into a blog entry. Perhaps....

Nah - sometime later when I have more time.


20/3/06 08:22  

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