Monday, April 03, 2006

I Am

That is the name God gave Moses when he asked who sent him. I'm sure Moses thought, "That's a strange name." But then again, he was talking with the One True God. So, maybe he didn't think a whole lot except, "Wow. I'm talking to God!"

Well, I've already rambled away from my intended topic. And I haven't even started. So here we go:

Why did God choose a phrase like "I Am" for His name? Why not "Bob" or "George" or "Almighty Master of All That There Is"?

I believe it has something to do with the immediacy of the phrase "I Am". It indicates now. Where did God come from? What is eternity? I've heard it said (and I think it was Irwin Lutzer that said it) about eternity:
Imagine a ship from outer space comes every million years and takes a single grain of sand from the Earth. It picks up one grain of sand and flies away for a million years. Then it returns and takes another single grain of sand. A million years later it returns for another single grain of sand. How many millions of years before there is enough sand to fill your hand? How many millions of years before there is nothing left here? And over that period of time, eternity will have hardly begun.

I read once that scientists estimate there are 1017 grains of sand. That is a 10 with 17 zeroes. Multiply that by a million (for a million years between each grain of sand) and you have a 10 with 23 zeroes. 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years - and eternity has only just barely begun.

Well, if that's hard to get your mind around, perhaps this will make it easier. Time is a constraint. We are unable to move forward or backward in time because time itself prevents us from doing so. For God, however, that constraint is apparently not there. Prophets prove to us that God knows the future. He can also stop time (read Joshua 10) and run it backward (read Isaiah 38). So, He is in complete control of time.

My daughter was in a play where they said, "God holds time in the palm of His hand." That line helped me get my earthly scientific mind around this unfathomable concept. That implies that God created time. He is the Master of all He created. He created time. He is the Master of time. Therefore time has no meaning for God. Time is not a constraint for God. Time is not able hold Him back. Nor can it allow Him to change.

Without time, there is no future and no past. WIthout those, there can be no present - though some may argue that it is always the present, even without time. This author believes that it's a moot point. Without a future or past, there is no medium for change. God never changes. He doesn't have to - it's all the same.

I've heard people say that there are parallel universes through which one can pass - through which we all pass as time marches on. We can only go one direction. Kinda like Stephen King's Langoliers. I've also heard it said that time is a wheel or a circle that keeps repeating itself - and sometimes people or things get left in the wrong cycle. I think my idea is more plausible.

For God there is no time. That makes eternity possible. For God there is no time. He always was because there was never a beginning or past, and there will never be a future or end. That answers my question about "Where did God come from?" Remove the constraint of time and it all falls into place.

A deep philosophical rambling from the mind of Clay Harryman. I hope it hasn't hurt anyone!


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