Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Name of God

What is the Name of God? He told Moses (and Jesus later used this name) that His name is "I Am". Throughout scripture, we see Him called YHWH - a name that the ancient faithful dared not even write down, much less speak! But what is His Name?

We know Him as God. He is the One True God. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. But didn't ancient names have a meaning beyond "mommy and daddy thought this name sounded neat"?

One of the names mentioned in scripture has always stuck with me. "God is Love." That's a name with meaning. If your name is love, isn't there something implied about your character? If you are love, then what else must be true abou you?

Let's compare that with what we already know about God. He's infinite, eternal. He covers everything because the entire universe, with its millions of stars and planets, isn't big enough to hold Him. He's omniscient - He sees and knows everything. He created everything.

Add to these attributes the ingredient love. Now you have infinite love - a love without limits. A Father who will do anything to keep His children with Him, even sacrifice Himself. A Father who, though rejected regularly, is still waiting for Hs children to come to Him.

Eternal love never ends. It is that simple. Your Heavenly Father loved you before you were born, He loves you now (even with all your sin) and he will love you for all eternity - even after the very end of time itself. God is always going to be there for you, even when it seems like the whole world is out to get you.

God's love covers everything. Everything! There is not a spot in all of creation that cannot feel or experience God's love. He made everything. He touches everything. His love permeates the deepest dungeon with the same intensity as on the mountaintop. You cannot escape it, though you may, at times, want to.

He loves you, even though He sees your heart and deeds. He loves you, even though He knows you. Can you say the same of your friends? Your family? Your spouse?

Let's be honest. None of us is as goody-goody as our family would like, let alone our Heavenly Father. Yet "He loved us while we were still sinners."

Romans 5:8

Finally, His love for us is a simple, unconditional love that a Father has for His children, and the love an Artist has for His work. We are His children, and we are His handiwork. His love for us is above and beyond all that could possilbly try and come between us.

Have you felt the love of the Father? Have you felt the peace that only the Lord can provide? He's waiting to give it to you. All you have to do is ask with a truly repentant heart. He gave you life. Give it back to Him and He will fill it with joy.

Do you have any questions? Let me know.


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