Sunday, July 09, 2006

Whose Turn?

In the continuing chess game that is my life, God and I take turns moving. If I move out of turn, I am penalized (example: I'm pretty sure I bought my house when it wasn't my turn, and now it's the biggest heartbreak I know). So, every now and again, I come to a point where I have to ask "Whose turn is it?"

Funny thing is, He and I are on the same side. We are not opponents.

God is very gracious, and will often let me make mistakes without penalty. Many times, He will even fix my mistakes for me or tell me how to do it. Then, there are times that I like to call the 400 years of silence. I'm in one of those right now. Granted, it hasn't been 400 years since God last spoke, but it sure feels like it.

So, here I am. I'm writing a blog (well, two are mine and one I share), and I'm beginning a 'spoken word' ministry that may eventually go beyond my webpage. What's next? I can't support my family with the income I'm receiving from my blog or my ministry, not that I ever expected to. But there's got to be something more.

I've lost track of who made the last move. Was it me, or was it God? If it was Him, I now have to open a door. My wife tells me it's not my turn, because I don't know which piece to move.

I ask for your prayers as I continue to move pieces with God. Pray that I may find the right move. Pray that whatever I wind up doing, I do it for His glory. And, pray that whatever I wind up doing, it relieves my wife of some of the burden she's currently enduring.

Thank you.


Blogger Me said...

Many prayers bro! I know your struggles - they are very similar to my own. The journey with God seems very hard - and at times - very lonely. I pray that God will reveal Himself to you - and in turn that you are receptive to seeing Him. He has a plan........sometimes it seems more cryptic than a CIA e-mail.


11/7/06 19:07  

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