Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Learning experiences

A brief note 'cuz there needs to be a couple of updates...

On February 13, 2006, I posted a comment about the sewage that spewed up into my house. I was very happy for my neighbor who has been fighting ever since (2 months tomorrow) to get this resolved. I am still without carpet in the affected areas. But I continue to thank God for my good neighbor who's keeping an eye out for us.
Rather than post names and phone numbers of everyone's who's dropped the ball on us, I ask that you pray for those who have tried to hold out on us. Pray that they may see the error of their ways. Pray that they may change their hearts. Also, pray that I maintain an even keel through this whole thing.
Lesson Learned: Always know who your friends are!

My oldest learned how to ride her bike on Tuesday. This was a major success. She'd been so afraid to ride it that she grew out of two bikes before successfully riding one. Sunday afternoon, she came in excited about riding her bike. Mommy was going to help her. A few minutes later, she was crying that Mommy wouldn't let her skate. I said, "I thought you were going to ride your bike." She said, "I want to skate. Mommy wants me to ride my bike."
I went and asked Mommy - the same Mommy that will not tolerate quitters. She said, "She got scared to ride her bike and wanted to skate instead."
So, I went back in and began what I call my "Baptist Sermon" about riding the bike. My daughter's favorite Bible verse is "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I started hitting that one hard. If I'd had a pulpit, I would've been hitting it. I told her that she knows that verse in her head - now she needs to drive it home in her heart! There will be no skating until you can ride your bike to the end of the street! And your goal is Friday. "So let it be written, so let it be done!" That was Sunday.
Monday, she was out there trying to ride her bike. Though I told her she was going to get 30 minutes, she worked for 90 minutes. She was doing pretty good, but still needed help. Tuesday, she went AROUND THE BLOCK!!!! Woohoo! Three days before her goal of riding to the end of the street, she went around the block with Mommy! I was so proud of my girl! Now she can choose - skate or bike.
Lesson Learned: Determination will get you through anything.

Wednesday, we made a cake. I gave Nichole two measuring cups (1 cup, 1/4 cup) and asked her to fill them up and put them in the microwave for 30 seconds. Well, we didn't quite understand the concept of seconds and minutes. She set the microwave for 30:00 and hit start. I was getting stuff ready and looked around for my water. I looked at the microwave and my jaw dropped when I saw that there were 26:37 remaining in my 30 seconds. It had cooked for 3:23!
I opened up the door and pulled out the plastic cups of boiling water. One had a spot in it. When I picked it up, all the water ran out through the spot - which was a hole in the bottom of the cup. We embarked on a lesson which my daughter will never forget about seconds, minutes and hours.
Lesson Learned: Don't think your kids know everything like you think they do... Ya think?


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